Papagayo Muerte Productions
"Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one and this one is stone dead!" My production company. It still has yet to put out any sort of production, but there are works in progress. I have always wanted to do cheesey comedy films. I grew up on Monty Python. So, one day, when I was bored, I decided to start a production company. As you can see Monty Python influenced the name a LOT. Almost everyone knows about the Dead Parrot Sketch. I think it is one of the funniest things in the universe. So, I named my company. But, I couldn't just right out call it Dead Parrot Productions...that sounds stupid(almost as stupid as the thought of starting a production company). So, I thought to myself, "Sefl, you dyslexic bastard, why don't you say it in a different language?" Well, the only other language I know is Spanish, so out came the title. For those mentally deficient ones out there who haven't gotten the point, "Papagayo Muerte" is Spanish for "Dead Parrot." The logo followed almost naturally. I got the idea for the neon from the movie Brazil, which was produced by Terry Gilliam, a member of Monty Python. The hanging parrot came naturally. This entire logo was created in Adobe Illustrator5.5 with the help of KPT Vector Effects for the neon. In case you were wondering, I drew the parrot entirely by myself. I then rasterized the image with Photoshop.
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