"I wanna show you something like a joy inside my heart...
seems I've been livin in the temple of the dog..."
-Mother Love Bone, Man of Golden Words

The Speaking Ring

In ancient times, philosophers, alchemists, wizards, etc. would use rings of stone as places of power. The circle is a magical shape. In a ring of stones, there would be a table, and on this table they would place objects to be offered to the particular demon that inhabited that ring, and they would ask for insights about the universe. Here we have a ring of eight marble pillars, one for each point on the compass, lit only by torch-light. In it's center is a table of obsidian with a rose growing from it. So, enter the speaking ring, listen to what the demon has to tell you, and gain some insight about the universe.

These are the ramblings of my mind, and how I see the universe. Enjoy them or not, they are here. Read them and allow my particular speaking demon give you some insights.
DREAM - an explanation of the acronym



MYST Island Dream

Modern Science #1

The Poetry o' Tadpole.

Poems by Other People

That is all the speaking demon has for you right now. This page will be updated frequently. Please leave your offerings to the speaking demon, in the form of comments, ramblings, etc., here or in the guestbook.

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